Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3-D Model of DNA

3-D Model of DNA

In this science project we will make a 3-D cut out model of DNA. We will learn about the structure of DNA. It will take about and 1 1/2 hours to complete. Our model will have 16 nucleotide units.

Make Fake Blood

Make Fake Blood

In this science experiment we will make a fairly realistic prop blood for stage, or Halloween from Karo white corn syrup and red food coloring.

Make Gluep Experiment

Make Gluep Experiment

In this science experiment we will make Gluep. Plastics are all around us. Plastics are made of polymers or tiny chains of molecules. There are many different kinds, with a wide range of properties. Some are hard, others are soft. Some are transparent, others are opaque. Most plastics are made in factories, but here’s one you can make at home. We will try to answer the question as to whether Gluep is a solid or liquid.

Dry Ice Experiments

Dry Ice Experiments

Let's have some fun using Dry Ice to conduct some science experiments. Dry Ice simply put is solid carbon dioxide. The neat thing about it is how it changes states of matter. It goes directly from a solid to a gas. Unlike regular ice that goes from a solid to a liquid.

Alka-Seltzer Rocket Experiment

Let's have a great time using some old film canisters and Alka-Selter tablets to make rockets that blast from a chemical reaction. We will demonstrate how expanding carbon dioxide gas creates pressure. And have allot of fun while doing it!